Sunday 9 October 2022

Remove Image Background using Python



  1. Rembg, Rembg is a tool to remove images background,

Saturday 2 November 2019




  1. scholarly, a module that allows you to retrieve author and publication information from Google Scholar in a friendly, Pythonic way,

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Silabus Belajar Bareng Python

Silabur belajar ini diambil dari :

Python for Data Science I – Beginner:

  1. Pendahuluan (1 Jam):
    * The Zen of Python
    * Python “distro” : Python, Anaconda/miniconda, WinPython, etc.
    * Editor Jupyter & Spyder
    * Python VS (R, Julia, Matlab, Java, C, PHP, etc)
    * beberapa kelemahan & kelebihan Python
    * Google Colab
  2. Dasar Python (1 Jam)
    * Syntax Format (indenting, multiline, import, deklarasi/inisialisasi)
    * Code descriptor & Comments
    * integer, float, Bytes, Boolean
    * list, tuple, dictionary
    * (Frozen) Set
    * types : Beginner Pitfall
    * Slicing in Python
  3. Python Logic (3 Jam)
    * (Nested – hierarchical) if Logic
    * Looping For (& list comprehension)
    * Iterator VS Iterable
    * Looping while
    * Breaking Loop
    * Python Exception
    * TQDM
  4. Penggunaan & Instalasi Modul (1 Jam)
    * Full and Partial Import
    * Import all functions as first level implicitly
    * Personal Library
    * Conda/pip/easy_install
    * Adding repository modul
    * Automatic update all modules
    * Pure Python vs compiled Modules
    * Module’s Wheels
    * Check modules dependency
    * Installing from Source
    * Installing modul from script
  5. Going Deeper in Python (2 jam)
    * Deeper with Print Function
    * Reference/pointer to variable(s)
    * Deeper with Python string
    * List/Dictionary comprehension
    * Zipping List
    * List again : Kelebihan List di Python
    * Optimal Python Data Type use case
  6. Python Function (2 Jam)
    * Fungsi di Python
    * Global & local variable
    * vars, dirs**
    * Recursive in Python
    * Lamda Function
  7. Python as Numerical computing & (simple) Visualizations (2 Jam)
    * Numpy Matrix:
    * List VS Arrays/Matrix: best use scenarios, etc.
    * Linear Algebra Functions
    * Numpy Operations, etc.
    * DataFrame Basics
    * MatplotLib & Seaborn: Visualisasi dasar di Python
    Scatter plot, histogram, barchart, boxplot, etc.

Sunday 21 October 2018

Instagram Python

instaloader, dapat digunakan untuk mendownload otomatis seluruh media (foto atau video) beserta captionnya sebuah user instagram.
